With this project I wanted to honour places that at least lived and grew in the heads of the people, till they where erased from the documents. Phantom Islands or Flyaway Islands, are Islands which can be found in historical maps or ancient documents, but maybe have never existed. On the technical side, I decided to try to push the boundaries of Low-Poly-aesthetics, by the unusual use of Repainting / Postproduction , the use of distortet Photo-textures and partially anticipated realism.
Phantom Islands or Flyaway Islands, are Islands which can be found in historical maps or ancient documents, but maybe have never existed.
Some Phantom Islands may have been mythical, some arose through the mislocation of actual islands, or other errors in geography. Others may have neem actual islands subsequently destroyed by volcanic explosions, earthquakes or submarine landslides.
There are believs, that Christoph Kolumbus on his first journey to America, wanted to take Interstation at the Phantom Island "Antilla"
There are believs, that Christoph Kolumbus on his first journey to America, wanted to take Interstation at the Phantom Island "Antilla"

Sarah Ann Island (also Sarah Anne) is the name if a Phantom Isalnds originally sighted near the Easter Island (Rapa Nui).
Because it was supposed to lay on the coordinates of the total solar eclipse in 1937, an armada of ships was searching it for several weeks, without success. The island, which was observed 15 years before, was nowhere to be found and was removed from the maps.

The Island Crespo was discovered in 1801 from the steersman of the Manila-Galeone El Rey Cárlos.
There are assumptions, that he only saw a formation of clouds. In some modern Literatur Crespo is called the "high" Island.
In his book "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" Jules Verne tells that there where large underwater forrests at Crespo, where Captain Nemo from the Nautilus went out for hunting.

Antilla or also the "Isle of Seven Cities" lays according to the legend in the Atlantic Ocean, far to the west of Spain.
It originates from an old Iberian legend, set during the Muslim conquest of Hispania in 714. On their escape from the Muslim conquerors, seven Christian bishops and the archbishop from Porto set sail westwards into the Atlantic Ocean, landing on Antilla, where they founded seven cities.
Some people suppose that Antilla realy existed and sank during history of Earth. Last time Antilla has been seen was in 1892.